Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I am very big on trying to find the good in every situation! Sure things go wrong sometimes, but it doesn't help to dwell on the negative. Instead I believe that trying to have a positive outlook on everything makes everyone happier which in the end is what really matters. There have been many times where life just hasn't gone the way I planned it, but when I look back I can usually find at least one thing that has good that came from it. This is very hard for me because a change in plans normally makes my head spin from all the stress.

Going to college I met a lot of new people, and one thing I found was that people can be ummm not so nice. I'm sure we have all had encounters with a bully or someone who just doesn't care about others. They only try to bring others down. I think someone who is your friend should only want whats best for you and try to help you achieve your goals. Everyone has had an experience where someone has sad something and made you feel bad about yourself.

This quote is spot on! The people you are with everyday should help you be better, not bring you down. I have decided that my friends need to be those kind of people. My friends are always so supportive and help me through everything! Like when I have a panic attack from all the homework I have. I think everything should try to bring a little more positivity into their lives and see what a difference it can make. A situation may be bad but if having the right friends and the right attitude can make all the difference. Positive energy is contagious!


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